Text “COVID” to 692-692 for the most updated information from the City in English.
Envíe un mensaje con la palabra COVIDESP al 692-692 para noticias sobre el Coronavirus en español.
stay home, nyc!
Stay home as much as possible, wash your hands for 20 seconds, cover your coughs/sneezes with a tissue or your elbow, and don't touch your face.
Go to NYC’s main coronavirus webpage for up-to-date information on coronavirus, how to stay healthy, how to slow the spread of the virus, and more.
evictions are paused in nys
There is a partial moratorium (pause) on evictions until August 31, 2021. Contact GOLES at 212-533-2541 if your landlord threatens you with eviction. Housing Court is open for emergency repairs and for tenants illegally locked out of their home.
goles’ services are remote
GOLES continues to provide counseling by phone and video call.
We are now also providing limited in-person counseling at our 173 Avenue B office, only for certain cases that require it. GOLES will be reaching out to local residents to conduct wellness checks, assess their needs, and share resources. Stay tuned for our videos and other virtual resources.
PHONE: 212-533-2541
Any soap works! You don’t need antibacterial soap to wash away the coronavirus. Wash your hands like you just chopped jalapeños and need to put in contact lenses.
Stay 6 feet or more away from other people. This includes when going grocery shopping and when going for a walk.
The average person touches their face over 300 times per day! Not touching your face is important in keeping yourself healthy.
For help contacting a health care provider you can call 311, or the NYC Health + Hospital direct line at 1-844-692-4692.
Symptoms of coronavirus may appear 2 - 14 days after exposure and include a fever, dry cough, shortness of breath. It is possible to spread the coronavirus before showing any symptoms.
If you have Coronavirus symptoms, stay home. If you you have severe symptoms, are immunocompromised, are elderly, and/or have an underlying health condition, consult a health care provider. Do not go to the ER if you have mild symptoms or without consulting your doctor.
To talk to a free mental health counselor call NYCWell at 1-888-NYC-WELL, or text “WELL” to 65173. If you are struggling with substance use or a relapse, you can contact the National hotline for Substance Abuse and Mental Health at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
Other resources: World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control, New York State, New York City, NYC Fact Sheet
housing & public benefits
All evictions and non-essential construction work are halted throughout New York State. Housing Court remains open for emergency repairs and illegal lockouts.
For all housing-related assistance, contact GOLES at 212-533-2541 for remote housing counseling.
For information on the impact of Coronavirus on evictions and Housing Court, Section 8 and NYCHA tenants, as well as on recipients of public benefits such as SNAP, please see the below resources.
Impact on Public Benefits guide by Community Service Society
Navigating Essential Services guide by Community Service Society
You can file for unemployment by going directly to the New York State Department of Labor website at
You can also file for unemployment over the phone with a representative by dialing (888) 209-8124 from 8:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday through Friday.
The day you should file is based on the first letter in your last name:
A - F, file your claim on Monday
G - N, file your claim on Tuesday
O - Z, file your claim on Wednesday
If you missed your filing day, file your claim on Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
If you have any other questions regarding unemployment, feel free to contact Jorge Rivera, GOLES' Workforce Coordinator. You can reach him at or dial 732-806-0184.
If you are having difficulty accessing food, call 311 or the Emergency Food Hotline at 866-888-8777.
CLICK HERE for an up-to-date list of senior centers distributing meals put together by Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer.
You can also go to one of the following food pantries:
The Bowery Mission, 227 Bowery, (212) 674-3456
Breakfast is served from 9 AM-10 AM, and lunch is served from 1 PM - 2 PM
Nazareth Housing, 206 E. 4th St., (212) 777-1010
Pantry Hours: Tuesdays at 10AM - 12 PM
Father’s Heart Ministries, 545 E. 11th St.
Saturday: 8:30AM until provisions are finished
St. Joseph House, 36 E. 1st St., (212) 254-1640
To-go meals: Mon - Fri from 9:30AM until provisions are finished
Trinity Church Lower East Side - 602 E. 9th St., (212) 228-5254
Soup Kitchen Hours: Mondays-Fridays, 11 AM-12 PM
Pantry Hours: Tuesdays-Fridays, 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
To schedule an appointment to use the pantry, Text the word "FOOD" to 726-879
If you are a senior your local senior center might be providing pick up meals at one of the following senior centers. Please call GOLES' Healthy Aging Coordinator, Carolyn Gonzalez, for assistance in coordinating meal delivery at (862) 248-2837.
Mott Street Senior Center - 180 Mott, (212) 966-5460: They are currently taking names for senior delivery of meal boxes. Interested seniors will need to provide their name, address, phone number, and date of birth.
BRC Senior Center - 30 Delancey, (212) 533-2020: They are currently taking names for senior delivery of meal boxes. Interested seniors will need to provide their name, address, phone number, and date of birth.
Weinberg Center at Manny Cantor Center - 197 E Broadway, (646) 395-4270. Bag meal pick up: 11:30AM - 1PM Monday through Friday.
Henry Street Settlement/Meals on Wheels, (212) 473-1474,
schools & education
Visit the NYC Department of Education website for school updates. The NYC Department of Education is lending internet-enabled iPads to support remote learning for students, and you can request one here.
You can also access remote learning resource, e-books, and more for free from the New York Public Library here.
discrimination & price-gouging
To report any Coronavirus-related discrimination or hate crimes to the City of New York, you can call 311 or file a complaint online. You can also file a report to the Attorney General’s COVID-19 Hate Crimes Hotline: or 1-800-771-7755.
It is illegal for stores to overcharge you for goods and services needed to stop the spread of coronavirus, this includes: cleaning products, medicines, toilet paper and paper towels, soap, gloves, sanitizer, etc. To file a price-gouging complaint with the New York State Attorney General’s office, see the online form here. You can also call 311 or file an online complaint in order to report price-gouging to New York City.
MTA updates and protocols can be found here.
LES Ready!: Coalition of community groups that coordinate disaster response, resources, and preparedness planning.
Email for volunteer inquiries: lesready.covid19@gmail.comPPE Donation (masks, gloves, etc.) to frontline medical personnel: Donate PPE here
Couriers and delivery: Corona Couriers is a collective of cyclists willing to courier supplies to people in need for free, using low contact methods. Email, or call (929) 320-0660
Free grocery and supply delivery: Invisible Hands Delivery, Website, Tweet, or call (732) 639-1579
Donate blood with the Red Cross: Make an appointment
Healthcare provider surge staffing with NYC HELP NOW