GOLES publishes a newsletter each Spring, Summer, and Fall and mails it to over 7,500 residents of the Lower East Side. If you don't currently receive it, e-mail us at to request to be added to our mailing list.
If you are a local small business owner and would like to advertise in our newsletter, you can e-mail for advertising rates and policies.
featured publications
GOLES’ multi-pronged approach includes periodically conducting research through which we engage local residents to learn about their needs and priorities. We often conduct this research in conjunction with other groups and institutions. Below are some of the more recent examples of reports where GOLES assisted in participatory research.
getting les ready
Learning from Hurricane Sandy to create a community-based disaster plan for the future. The Executive Summary includes key findings, recommendations, and disaster preparedness tips from the “Getting LES Ready” report.
weathering the storm
Rebuilding a more resiliency New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Post-Sandy.
local spokes: neighborhood action plan
A vision for bicycling on the Lower East Side and Chinatown.
nycha report card
Residents’ evaluation of NYCHA and recommendations for improvement.
a people’s plan for the east side waterfront
Report by O.U.S. Waterfront Coalition detailing the community vision for the Waterfront.
community voices and the future of spura
Report by SPURA (Seward Park Urban Renewal Area) Matters, a yearlong initiative formed by non-profit community organizations to renew the community conversation and document findings around SPURA in the Lower East Side.
The decline of the Lower East Side’s small business identity and how to correct this trend.